seeking to love & serve those in greatest need in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe


Since opening Isaiah’s Babies Home in 2007

196+ babies & little ones
have been cared for

  • 64 have been fostered or adopted by loving families

  • 59 have been reunited with extended family

  • 36 have been moved to organisations to become part of a family unit.

Guided by our Christian values of love, compassion & practical support— we are making a tangible difference in the lives of abandoned babies, vulnerable children, and struggling communities.

We welcome you to partner with us to make a difference in this extremely difficult part of the world, restoring those that have lost hope.

The Dire State of Bulawayo


49% of Zimbabweans live in extreme poverty. This would be the equivelant of Australians living on less than $3 a day (aka. virtually impossible).


High unemployment rates (upwards of 85%) leave many families without an income. This is creating a cycle of poverty and hopelessness.


Zimbabwe faces the highest inflation in the world (approx 47.6%) making basic needs unaffordable. Imagine everyday essentials doubling overnight!


55% of our population struggle to afford food. Imagine if 55% of Aussies couldn’t put sufficient food on the table – that’s our daily reality.

Our Key Programs

Isaiah’s Homes of Love

Isaiah’s Homes of Love was established to assist abandoned babies, orphans, and children in desperate need. Our halfway home lovingly cares for these young ones while we aim to find them families for life. We have also operated Community Family Homes for groups of children in need, and are in the process of starting more of these. Since 2007, we've cared for over 170 babies, with many being fostered, adopted, reunited with extended families, or placed in family units.

Children of Grace (Farming)

Located on the Lighthouse Christian Academy property, this initiative involves vegetable farming and soon poultry. The project's goal is to generate profits to support the running costs of Our Neighbours Ministry, provide food, and offer agricultural vocational training (a key Zimbabwean industry).

Hearts of Love

Founded in 2003, Hearts of Love aims to love and empower individuals and families living in very difficult or disadvantaged circumstances, to restore hope & dignity through empowering and nurturing a ‘self-help’ mentality. We assist through nutritional food assistance (Soup Kitchen), empowerment projects/training, health information services, individual and family support, community outreach & development, and discipleship.

Lighthouse Christian Academy

Lighthouse Christian Academy is a holistic education program for children who have missed significant schooling to help these children break the cycle of poverty and become influential members of society. We offer quality education using a home-based and local curriculum, plus life skills, vocational skills, counseling, and mentorship. After they gain a foundation in their education, we support them as they reintegrate into government schools, colleges or vocational training institutions.

Our Partners

We deeply value our partnerships with individuals, churches, organizations, and businesses. Their support has been crucial to the success of Our Neighbours Ministry, enabling us to continue our mission. We acknowledge and appreciate their contributions. Click on the logos to visit their websites and learn more about our partners.


From Sydney to Bulawayo’s Heart

In 2003, Martin Barrow felt a stirring in his heart that he couldn't ignore–to leave behind the comforts of his Australian home and move to Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. This call was clear: to serve the most vulnerable and demonstrate God's love through action.

Upon arriving in Bulawayo, Martin was struck by the dire conditions—there were zero traditional support systems, and the need for care, love, and hope was immense. Determined to make a difference, Martin founded ONM with a mission to restore hope, dignity, and a sense of community to the poorest of the poor.

What started with a small group of committed individuals has grown into a vibrant community of support. Our Neighbours now runs several key programs, with each initiative rooted in Christian values, driven by the same passion that led Martin to Bulawayo.

Over the years, Our Neighbours has touched countless lives, from providing loving homes for abandoned children to empowering families with sustainable skills. The vision (born from a call of faith) continues to inspire and transform, demonstrating that with love and commitment, real change is possible.